Xin LIANG     Ph.D.

Associate Professor

1999-2003 B.Sc.     Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2003-2007 Ph.D.     Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2008-2014 Postdoctoral fellow   MPI-CBG
2015-2019 Max-Planck Partner Group Leader Tsinghua University
2015-  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Tsinghua University


Research interest

How do molecules assemble into a cell, and how do cells organize into tissues? Our group explores the intricate structures and dynamic processes in cell and developmental biology. Using optical and electron microscopy, biophysical recording, and genetic and biochemical approaches, we investigate the structure, function, and assembly of cytoskeleton-based complexes in cellular and developmental contexts. In some projects, we collaborate closely with theoretical physicists to perform cross-scale modeling analyses. Our primary model systems are fly sensory neurons and mouse neurons, but we also study other cell types, including fly germ cells, cultured mammalian cells, and vertebrate ciliated cells. By dissecting specific molecular mechanisms, we aim to uncover general principles governing cell dynamics.

Courses offered

Physiology (undergraduate), 48 lectures

Selected publications

1) Chen W., Song Y.L., He J.F., Liang X. (2024) Recognition of the Nucleotide-Dependent Feature Facilitates the Microtubule End-Binding of MCAK. eLife. doi:10.7554/eLife.92958.1

2) Song X.W., Cui L.H., Wu M.H., Wang S., Song Y.L., Liu Z., Xue Z.Y., Chen W., Zhang Y.J., Li H., Sun L.D., Liang X. (2023) DCX-EMAP is A Core Organizer for the Ultrastructure of Drosophila Mechanosensory Organelles. Joural of Cell Biology 2023 Oct 2;222(10) (Cover and spotlight article)

3) Liu, Z., Wu, M.H., Wang, Q.X., Lin, S.Z., Feng, X.Q., Li, B., and Liang, X. (2022). Drosophila mechanical nociceptors preferentially sense localized poking. eLife 11. (eLife insight & eLife digest)

4) Shree, S., Sutradhar, S., Trottier, O., Tu, Y., Liang, X., and Howard, J. (2022). Dynamic instability of dendrite tips generates the highly branched morphologies of sensory neurons. Science Advances 8, eabn0080.

5)  Sun, L., Cui, L., Liu, Z., Wang, Q., Xue, Z., Wu, M., Sun, T., Mao, D., Ni, J., Pastor-Pareja, J.C., Liang, X. (2021). Katanin p60-like 1 sculpts the cytoskeleton in mechanosensory cilia. Joural of Cell Biology 220. (Cover article)

6) Liao, M., Liang, X., and Howard, J. (2021). The narrowing of dendrite branches across nodes follows a well-defined scaling law. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.

7)  Li, S., Wan, K.Y., Chen, W., Tao, H., Liang, X., and Pan, J. (2020). Functional exploration of heterotrimeric kinesin-II in IFT and ciliary length control in Chlamydomonas. Elife 9.

8)  Song, Y., Zhang, Y., Pan, Y., He, J., Wang, Y., Chen, W., Guo, J., Deng, H., Xue, Y., Fang, X., Liang, X. (2020). The microtubule end-binding affinity of EB1 is enhanced by a dimeric organization that is susceptible to phosphorylation. Journal of Cell Science 133.

9)  Sun, L., Gao, Y., He, J., Cui, L., Meissner, J., Verbavatz, J.M., Li, B., Feng, X., and Liang, X. (2019a). Ultrastructural organization of NompC in the mechanoreceptive organelle of Drosophila campaniform mechanoreceptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116, 7343-7352. (Highlighted in Faculty 1000)

10)  Sun, T., Song, Y., Dai, J., Mao, D., Ma, M., Ni, J.Q., Liang, X., and Pastor-Pareja, J.C. (2019b). Spectraplakin Shot Maintains Perinuclear Microtubule Organization in Drosophila Polyploid Cells. Developmental Cell 49, 731-747 e737.



2015-               Max-Planck Partner Group Program

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