罗敏敏 博士


1995 年/北京大学心理学/学士
1997 年/美国宾夕法尼亚大学 计算机科学/硕士



●  研究兴趣、领域:


●  代表性论文:

1. Lin R, Feng Q, Li P, Zhou P, Wang R, Liu Z, Wang Z, Qi Z, Tang N, Shao F, Luo MCA(2018) A hybridizationchain-reaction-based method for amplifying immunosignals. Nature Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.4611

2. Li Y, Zeng J, Zhang J, Yue C, Zhong W, Liu Z, Feng Q, Luo MCA(2018) Hypothalamic Circuits for Predation and Evasion Neuron 97, 911–924.

Zhang J, Tan L, Ren Y, Liang J, Lin R, Feng Q, Zhou J, Hu F, Ren J, Wei C, Yu T, Zhuang Y, Bettler B, Wang F, 3. Luo MCA(2016) Presynaptic excitation via GABAB receptors in habenula cholinergic neurons regulates fear memory expression. Cell 166:716–728.

4. Li Y, Zhong W, Wang D, Feng Q, Liu Z, Zhou J, Jia C, Hu F, Zeng J, Guo Q, Fu L, Luo MCA(2016) Serotonin neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus encode reward signals. Nature Comms 7:10503 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10503.

5. Liu Z*, Zhou J*, Li Y, Hu F, Wang D, Lu Y, Ma M, Feng Q, Zhang J, Zeng J, Bao, Kim J, Chen Z, Mestikawy SE, Luo MCA(2014) Dorsal raphe neurons signal reward through 5-HT and glutamate. Neuron 81:1360–1374.  

6. Gong R*, Ding C*, Hu J*, Lu Y, Liu F, Mann E, Xu F, Cohen MB and Luo MCA(2011) Role for the membrane receptor guanylyl cyclase-C in attention deficiency and hyperactive behavior. Science 333:1642-1646.

7. Ren J, Qin C, Hu F, Tan J, Qiu L, Zhao S, Feng G, Luo MCA(2011) Habenula "cholinergic" neurons co-release glutamate and acetylcholine and activate postsynaptic neurons via distinct transmission modes. Neuron 69:445-452.

8. Hu J*, Zhong C*, Ding C, Chi Q, Walz A, Mombaerts P, Matsunami H, and Luo MCA (2007) Detection of near-atmospheric concentrations of CO2 by an olfactory subsystem. Science 317:953-957.

●  联系方式:



通讯地址/Address:北京市清华大学生命科学学院罗敏敏 100084