
2020-07-15 16:31:42

谢道昕 博士

教授   中国科学院院士




1994-1999:英国East Anglia大学(Senior Research Associate)

1990-1994:英国John Innes研究中心和英国Leicester大学(Research Associate)


1983-1984:湖南棉花科学研究所(Research Assistant)


●  研究兴趣、领域:


●  开设的课程:


●  代表性论文:

1. Wang J, Pei G, Wang Yu, Wu D, Liu X, Li G, He J, Zhang X, Shan X, Li P, Xie D. Phase separation of the nuclear pore complex facilitates selective nuclear transport to regulate plant defense against pathogen and pest invasion. Mol Plant, 2023, 16(6): 1016-1030.

2. Hu S, Yu K, Yan J, Shan X, Xie D. Jasmonate perception: Ligand-receptor interaction, regulation, and evolution. Mol Plant, 2023, 16(1): 23-42.

3. Yao R, Chen L, Xie D, Irreversible strigolactone recognition: a non-canonical mechanism for hormone perception, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2018, 45(Pt A): 155-161.

4. Yan J, Yao R, Chen L, Li S, Gu M, Nan F, Xie D, Dynamic perception of jasmonates by the F-Box protein COI1, Molecular Plant, 2018, 11(10): 1237-1247.

5. Yan C, Fan M, Yang M, Zhao J, Zhang W, Su Y, Xiao L, Deng H, Xie D, Injury activates Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of JAV1-JAZ8-WRKY51 complex for jasmonate biosynthesis, Molecular Cell, 2018, 70(1): 136-149.

6. Wu D, Qi T, Li W, Tian H, Gao H, Wang J, Ge J, Yao R, Ren C, Wang X, Liu Y, Kang L, Ding SW, Xie D, Viral effector protein manipulates host hormone signaling to attract insect vectors, Cell Research, 2017, 27(3): 402-415.

7. Yao R, Wang F, Ming Z, Du X, Chen L, Wang, Zhang W, Deng H, Xie D, ShHTL7 is a non-canonical receptor for strigolactones in root parasitic weeds, Cell Research, 2017, 27(6): 838-841.

8. Yao R, Ming Z, Yan L, Li S, Wang F, Ma S, Yu C, Yang M, Chen L, Chen L, Li Y, Yan C, Miao D, Sun Z, Yan J, Sun Y, Wang L, Chu J, Fan S, He W, Deng H, Nan F, Li J, Rao Z, Lou Z, Xie D, DWARF14 is a non-canonical hormone receptor for strigolactone, Nature, 2016, 536(7617): 469-473.

9. Qi T, Wang J, Huang H, Liu B, Gao H, Liu Y, Song S, Xie D, Regulation of jasmonate-induced leaf senescence by antagonism between bHLH Subgroup IIIe and IIId factors in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 2015, 27: 1634-1649.

10. Qi T, Huang H, Song S, Xie D, Regulation of jasmonate-mediated stamen development and seed production by a bHLH-MYB complex in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 2015, 27(6): 1620-1633.

11. Qi T, Huang H, Wu D Yan J, Qi Y, Song S, Xie D, Arabidopsis DELLA and JAZ proteins bind the WD-repeat/bHLH/MYB complex to modulate gibberellin and jasmonate signaling synergy, Plant Cell, 2014, 26(3): 1118-1133.

12. Song S, Huang H, Gao H, Wang J, Wu D, Liu X, Yang S, Zhai Q, Li C, Qi T, Xie D, Interaction between MYC2 and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 modulates antagonism between jasmonate and ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis, Plant Cell, 2014, 26(1): 263-279.

13. Hu P, Zhou W, Cheng Z, Fan M, Wang L, Xie D, JAV1 controls jasmonate-regulated plant defense, Molecular Cell, 2013, 50(4): 504-515.

14. Yan J, Li H, Li S, Yao R, Deng H, Xie Q, Xie D, The Arabidopsis F-Box protein CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 is stabilized by SCFCOI1 and degraded via the 26S proteasome pathway, Plant Cell, 2013, 25(2): 486-498.

15. Yan J, Zhang C, Gu M, Bai Z, Zhang W, Qi T, Cheng Z, Peng W, Luo H, Nan F, Wang Z, Xie D, The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 protein is a jasmonate receptor, Plant Cell, 2009, 21(8): 2220-2236.


●  联系方式:

Tel:+86-10-62781575 (office); 62773664 (lab)


E-mail: daoxinlab(at)tsinghua(dot)edu(dot)cn