黄善金 博士


1992-1996 原浙江农业大学 本科

1996-2001 中国农业大学 博士

2001~2006 美国普渡大学生物系 博士后

2006~2016 中国科学院植物研究所 研究员

2014~至今 清华大学生命科学学院  副教授、教授

●  研究兴趣、领域:


1) 细胞骨架动态组装调控机制和生物学功能;

2) 无膜细胞器的组装、功能和调控机制。

●  代表性论文(*corresponding author):

1. Li X, Zhuang Y, Zhao W, Qu X, Wang J, Chang M, Shen J, Chen N, and Huang S*. Molecular and functional adaption of Arabidopsis villins. New Phytologist, 2025;245(3):1158-1179

2. Xu Y, Shen J, Ruan H, Qu X, Li Y, Wang Y, Li P, Yi R, Ren H, Zhang Y, Huang S*. A RhoGAP controls apical actin polymerization by inhibiting formin in Arabidopsis pollen tubes. Current Biology, 2024, 34(21):5040-5053

3. Zhuang Y, Wang Y, Jiao C, Shang Z, and Huang S*. Arabidopsis VILLIN5 bundles actin filaments using a novel mechanism. Plant Journal, 2024, 119(6):2854-2866.

4. Wang J, Shen J, Xu Y, Jiang Y, Qu X, Zhao W, and Huang S*. Differential sensitivity of ADF isovariants to a pH gradient promotes pollen tube growth. Journal of Cell Biology, 2023, 222 (11): e202206074

5. Wang Q, Xu Y, Zhao S, Jiang Y, Yi R, Guo Y and Huang S*.  Activation of actin-depolymerizing factor by CDPK16-mediated phosphorylation promotes actin turnover in Arabidopsis pollen tubes. PLoS Biology, 2023;21(4):e3002073

6. Zhang R*, Xu Y, Ran Yi, Shen J and Huang S*. Actin Cytoskeleton in the Control of Vesicle Transport, Cytoplasmic Organization and Pollen Tube Tip Growth. Plant Physiology, 2023, kiad203. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad203

7. Jiang Y, Lu Q, and Huang S*. Functional non-equivalence of pollen ADF isovariants in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 2022;110(4):1068-1081

8. Zhang Y, Li Z, Chen N, Huang Y and Huang S*. Phase Separation of Arabidopsis EMB1579 Controls Transcription, mRNA Splicing and Development. PLoS Biology, 2020, 21;18(7):e3000782

9. Zhao W, Qu X, Zhuang Y, Wang L, Bosch M, Franklin-Tong VE, Xue Y, Huang S*. Villin Controls the Formation and Enlargement of Punctate Actin Foci in Pollen Tubes. Journal of Cell Science, 2020,133 (6). pii: jcs237404

10. Diao M, Li X and Huang S*. Arabidopsis AIP1 Regulates the Organization of Apical Actin Filaments via Promoting their Turnover in Pollen Tubes. Sci China Life Sci., 2020, 63(2), 239-250

11. Jiang Y, Chang M, Lan Y and Huang S*. Mechanism of CAP1-mediated Apical Actin Polymerization in Pollen Tubes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2019;116(24):12084-12093

12. Lan Y, Liu X, Fu Y* and Huang S*. Arabidopsis Class I Formins Control Membrane-Originated Actin Polymerization at Pollen Tube Tips. PLoS Genetics, 2018, 14(11): e1007789

13. Diao M, Ren S, Wang Q, Qian L, Shen J, Liu Y and Huang S*. Arabidopsis Formin 2 Regulates Cell-to-Cell Trafficking by Capping and Stabilizing Actin Filaments at Plasmodesmata. eLife, 2018;7:e36316

14. Jiang Y, Wang J, Xie Y, Chen N and Huang S*. Arabidopsis ADF10 Shapes the Organization of Apical Actin Filaments via Promoting their Turnover and Ordering in Pollen Tubes. Journal of Cell Science, 2017, 130, 3988-4001

15. Qu X, Zhang R, Zhang M, Diao M, Xue Y and Huang S*. Organizational Innovation of Apical Actin Filaments Drives Rapid Pollen Tube Growth and Turning. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10, 930–947

●  联系方式:
